
Welding Applications





Mobile heat-welding machine with hot-wedge (silver or aluminium) with modern smart functions

-Different seams as overlap, hemming and keder are possible

-Noiseless and accurate welding without any fumes

-All welding parameters can be adjusted separately

-Digital readout of set and actual temperature

-Easy handling as weight only 10 kg

-Low energy consumption (

-High seam quality – no marks outside the seam

-Solid, long lasting construction

-High productivity because of continous welding system

-Electrical movement of the wedge enables an easy stop during the seam – wedge moves out of the welding area

-Intuitive software, operated by rotary push button

-Sensors detect the end of a seam and the machine can return automatically

-Through optional track guide several machines can be operated by one person

Field of application

Pond liners, pool covers

Performance features

-Welding temperature: 0 – 500°C

-Max. Speed: 10 m/min.

-Seam width: 26.0, 40 and 50.0 mm (also with test seam)

Service Hotline

+(86) 21 6840 7700

PFAFF Industrial Shanghai