Welding Applications





Programmable hot-air cylinder arm welding machine for continuous seam sealing

-Individual segments and complete sequences are programmable

-Traditional taping combined with the possibility of programmable welding Easy operation by user-friendly touch screen

-Monitoring of heat temperature by two thermocouples (optional)

-Automatic monitoring and constant of all programmed parameters

-Variable post system (post width and post position for different applications)

-Exact reproducible nozzle-settings possible through cross-slide

-Programs and parameters can be transfered to other machines which run in production process

-Nozzle position is maintained to material for crossstitching (seam bulge)

-Tape cutter

-PFAFF 8323 with long arm (special version)

Field of application

Protective suits, floatingsuits, convertible tops, filter tubes

Performance features

-Max. speed: 0.5 to 10.0 m/min., optional up to: 20 m/min.

-Clearance max.: 1,000 mm (longarm version)

Service Hotline

+(86) 21 6840 7700

PFAFF Industrial Shanghai