3588 Cargo/ Cargo Plus

Clothing/shoe luggage

3588 Cargo/ Cargo Plus



3588 Cargo/ Cargo Plus

Programmable automatic pocket setters for jeans and work wear (basis: -05/020)

-Special version for efficient attaching of side pockets

-All features of the PFAFF 3588-05/020 – there are two versions available: 3588 Cargo and 3588 Cargo Plus

3588 Cargo

-Bellow pocket: Version for bellows on left and/or right side

-Bellow pocket – L-Shape: Version for bellows on the left or right side and bottom of pocket

3588 Cargo Pus

-Bellow pocket – U-Shape: Vesion for bellows on 3 sides of pocket

Service Hotline

+(86) 21 6840 7700

PFAFF Industrial Shanghai