3588 Easy Flex

Clothing/shoe luggage

3588 Easy Flex



3588 Easy Flex

EASY FLEX is a concept for style kits (in combination with a parts kit) to easily manufacture jeans pocket-style kits for the PFAFF Industrial 3588

EASY FLEX is a system, that enables the customer to easily (EASY) and flexibly (FLEX) create pocket style kits. By separating machine-dependent and customerdependent parts, the precise and exactly positioned attachment of in-house manufactured pocket style kits is made possible.

Machine-dependent parts

The machine-dependent parts are high-precision items manufactured by PFAFF Industrial and are required to attach the style kits to the 3588 in exactly the right position. They may be re-used multiple times.

Customer-dependent parts

The customer-dependent parts are simple aluminum and steel plates into which the customer’s desired pocket style is cut. These customer-dependent parts are attached to the machine-dependent parts exactly in the right position via a bore.

The advantages

-Consistently high quality

-High output

-Highest flexibility

-Short response- and changeover times (when changing the style of the pockets)

-Seam program may be created via the PC/notebook (PFAFF PSP software) or directly on the PFAFF 3588

Service Hotline

+(86) 21 6840 7700

PFAFF Industrial Shanghai